On Working Sick (Don’t Do It)

Having been sick and afflicted by allergies, I am reminded of the time when I tried to work on Draconic Echoes: The Ardent War when I was sick. It didn’t end well. When I went back over the work I had done during testing, it was riddled with mistakes. There were various typos and quite a few bugs that would never have existed if I wasn’t trying to get everything done as soon as possible, despite my illness.

So if a developer works sick or over-tired, the quality of the work goes down, and then the QA department is stuck with more work. The short term gains of “getting the tasks done” do not out-weigh the long term problems they create either for yourself or others working on the project. And it’s a elementary school concept, but don’t go into the workplace sick, as you can infect others, and then they’ll get behind on work.

In short, (and this doesn’t apply only to game development) working sick doesn’t help and causes more problems, so don’t do it. Now I’ll take my advice and stop writing this and go rest.

If you’re curious about how all my nonsense actually plays out in a game, check out Draconic Echoes: The Ardent War on Steam!